

"Frankenstein was mad,
The Model of a maniac!" --
"Frankenstein was brilliant,
A scientist who deserves fame!"

The opinions are extreme,
But one like him was never seen
In this little world,
A man who made new life!

His creature -- a monster?
Or just an ugly giant-baby?
No other person tried before
What Henry Frankenstein once did.

A hundred years have past
And the latest of this man's descendants,
Doctor Malcolm Frankenstein,
Does genetic engineering!

Frankenstein 2000,
With computer and high tech equipment
Wants to go even much further,
Create the ultimate dumb horror:

Clone a Boygroup --
How disgusting!
Sweeter than the other ones,
Designed to break teenage girls' hearts!

Metal bands all over the world
United to prevent this.
They marched to Frankenstein's laboratory
To protest against the doctor's plan.

"Why don't you create a monster
Or a family of monsters?
You are a shame for that great master
Who once made a dream come true!"

Malcolm Frankenstein replied:
"Sorry, guys, but I need money!
Boygroups are so popular
And teenage girls have lot of money --
Or their parents have at least!"

The Heavy Metal warriors took their axes,
Their guitars, to be precise
And turned up the volume.
The vibrations were too strong --
The lab bulding just collapsed
Like a card house in the storm.

Now the world is safe again,
Although too many boygroups
Still exist -- but not for long:
The Metal army's on its crusade
To fight all pop bands
That are structured like a boygroup.

Have you learnt your lesson, folks?
A person who's called Frankenstein
Should make monsters, evil creatures
And no pretty, jumping sissies!

  Frankenstein's ultimate boygroup!
